Sunday, February 21, 2016

Bricks to the face

My life has been full of bricks some good, some bad.
Some were handed to me on a silver platter, others thrown at my face when I least expected it.
Some hand forged by the gods on mount Olympus, others thrown together by satan in a matter of minutes.
Some came conveniently, others completely blindsiding me.
Some were asked for, others forced upon me.
All in all I think I've built a fairly decent structure with the bricks given to me.
But I've only just laid the foundation.
Just gotten a taste of building my future.
Life is about to start and I've gotta get my bricks together.
Otherwise I'm gonna get bricked right in the bricking brick.
Sometimes it really sucks, we have no choice but to lay the bricks we're dealt.
But that's just how life is.
The house we build might not be the best looking or the nicest.
But that doesn't mean it's worth less.
That just means it has something called character.
And thats something no amount of high quality bricks can buy.
It is a statement to everyone who see's the house you built that, "hey, I haven't exactly had the best luck but look what I have been able to make of that."
Thats what I want people to say when they look at my house.
You might have one good looking house but whats going to happen to it when a storm hits?
If you've never had to do anything hard in life you might find yourself in a pile of beautiful bricks.
Beautiful worthless bricks. 
And thats worse than any brick to the face, I'll tell you that right now.
But I suppose thats just how bricks work, isn't it.

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